A Taste of Success.

It was now April and the ETHJA show season was in full swing.  In 2015, Candy Bar and I would’ve started competing in March in order to accumulate points by end of the year.


Bailey and I riding in our first show together in April 2017.

Bailey and I weren’t interested in whether or not we received points, the experience at a competition was more important.  My trainer holds an annual show on the property at Anchor Way Farm and I decided to sign up.

Horse shows can be an upsetting environment for a young horse, so I wanted to see how Bailey handled the situation.

Due to her racing background I felt that Bailey would be accustomed to hearing loud noises from an intercom, people running back and forth, and strange horses getting a little too close for comfort.

We entered 2 flat classes and ended up winning one.

I was ecstatic.

Bailey could’ve become anxious and I would’ve understood completely.  However, she kept her level head just as she had done when the flock of pigeons flew up behind her the day I met her in July 2016.

She had a taste of being a competitor and seemed to enjoy every second of it.  I knew she was going to become a wonderful show horse with more training.

Below is a short video of Bailey and I in our first show together, this is a flat class.

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